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Privacy policy


This page describes how the site is managed with regard to the processing of personal data of visitors who consult it. This information is provided pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (Regulation on the protection of personal data - GDPR) to those who interact with the Sinted Engineering website and the services accessible through it.
The information is provided only for the Sinted Engineering website and not for other websites that may be consulted by the visitor.


Treatment owner
The Data Controller is Edoardo Motti, with headquarters in Talamona (So). The owner is at the same time Data Protection Officer ("Data Protection Officer" or "DPO"), which you can contact to exercise your rights, as well as to receive any information relating to them and / or this Policy by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. specifying in the subject and in the text of the email any request.
The Data Controller and the DPO, also through the designated structures, will take care of your request and provide you, without undue delay and, in any case, at the latest within one month from the receipt of the same, with the information related to the action taken with regard to your request. We inform you that if the Data Controller has doubts about the identity of the individual making the request, it may request further information necessary to confirm the identity of the data subject.


Place of treatment
The processing operations connected to the web services of this site take place at the operational headquarters of the Owner (except for the hosting aspects which are provided by the Service Provider) and are carried out only by technical personnel, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.
No data deriving from the web service is communicated or disseminated outside the company. The personal data provided by users who request information are used only to perform the service or provision requested and are communicated to third parties only where this is necessary for that purpose.


Types of data processed and purpose of processing

Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during normal operation and only for the duration of the connection, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the communication protocols of the Internet.
This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server (successful, error, etc..) and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site: except for this possibility, the data on web contacts do not persist for more than 7 days.

Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's email address, necessary to respond to requests, and any other personal data included in the message. These data will be processed exclusively for the purpose of processing the request made.
The legal basis of the treatment is the legitimate interest of the owner.

A cookie is a small "data file" that some websites, while being visited, can send to the address of the user who is navigating them in order to trace his path within the site and collect data in an exclusively anonymous form to improve the offer and the usability of the site itself. For these reasons also the Sinted Engineering web server, during the navigation of its site, can exchange cookies with the users' computers. Each user, if he or she prefers, can however set his or her browser in such a way as to receive a warning of the presence of a cookie and decide whether to accept or refuse it. It is also possible to automatically refuse the reception of cookies by activating the appropriate browser option: however, not using cookies could lead to difficulties in interacting with the Sinted Engineering site. For further information on cookies, please refer to the specific information published in the "Privacy" section of this site.


Period of data retention
Personal data collected through the use of the Site are processed for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and, once this period has ended, for any time period established by the regulations in force.


Optional supply of personal data
Apart from that specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data contained in the appropriate electronic request forms, in the sections of the website set up for requests for information / assistance. It should be noted, however, that failure to provide such data may make it impossible to obtain what has been requested.


Treatment modalities
The processing of personal data of the Users will take place by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction. The treatment is carried out by computer and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and logic closely related to the purposes indicated in accordance with the provisions of Article 32 GDPR.
The data in question will be processed for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.
In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, the data may be accessed by categories of employees involved in the organization of the site (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external parties (such as third party technical service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Data Controller. The updated list of Data Processors can always be requested from the Data Controller.


Existence of an automated decision-making process
The processing does not involve automated decision-making.


Details of personal data processing
Personal data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

By registering for the newsletter, after checking the acceptance of the rules and terms of use, the user's email address is automatically added to a list of contacts to whom email messages containing information, including commercial and promotional information, relating to this Site may be sent.
Personal data collected: Email and Name.
Place of treatment: Italy

Contact Forms
The user, by filling out the contact forms with their data, agrees to their use to respond to requests for information or any other nature indicated by the header of the form.
Personal data collected: Email, Name, Company, Address, Phone.
Place of treatment: Italy

Statistical services
The services contained in this section allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and serve to keep track of the User's behavior. These services are provided by Google Analytics and/or Google Webmaster Tools (Google Inc.).
Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google uses the Personal Data collected in order to track and examine the use of this Site, compile reports and share them with other services developed by Google.
Google may use the Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the ads in its advertising network.
At the following link https://tools.1d5920f4b44b27a802bd77c4f0536f5a-gdprlock/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=it is also made available by Google the browser add-on for the deactivation of Google Analytics
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.
Place of processing: USA
Google Privacy Policy: https://www.1d5920f4b44b27a802bd77c4f0536f5a-gdprlock/intl/it/policies/privacy/
Google Analytics Opt Out: https://tools.1d5920f4b44b27a802bd77c4f0536f5a-gdprlock/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=it

Content on external platforms
These services make it possible to view and/or use content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Site and to interact with them.
If a service of this type is installed, it is possible that, even if users do not use the service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages where it is installed.

Vimeo Video (Vimeo, LLC)
Vimeo is a video content viewing service operated by Vimeo, LLC that allows this Application to integrate such content into its pages.
Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data.
Place of processing: USA
Privacy Policy: https://6040c1ecb3ba58fb545282cfae168f49-gdprlock/privacy

Youtube Video (Google Inc.)
Youtube is a service for displaying video content managed by Google Inc. that allows this Site to integrate such content into its pages.
Personal data collected: Cookie and Usage data.
Place of treatment: USA
Privacy Policy: https://www.44c28697135b262bde92280084af3f1f-gdprlock/intl/it/policies/privacy/

Google Fonts (Google Inc.)
Google Fonts is a font display service operated by Google Inc. that allows this Site to integrate such content into its pages.
Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data
Place of processing: USA
Privacy Policy: https://www.44c28697135b262bde92280084af3f1f-gdprlock/intl/it/policies/privacy/

Google Maps (Google Inc.)
Google Maps is a map display service operated by Google Inc. that allows this site to integrate such content into its pages.
Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data
Place of processing: USA
Privacy Policy: https://www.44c28697135b262bde92280084af3f1f-gdprlock/intl/it/policies/privacy/

Interaction with social networks and external platforms
These services allow you to interact with social networks, or other external platforms, directly from the pages of this website. Interactions and information acquired are in any case subject to the privacy settings of the user relating to each social network. If a service is installed for interaction with social networks, it is possible that, even if users are not using the service, it collects traffic data on the pages where it is installed.

Like button and Facebook social widget (Facebook, Inc.)
The "Like" button and Facebook social widgets are services for interaction with the social network Facebook, provided by Facebook, Inc.
Place of processing: USA
Privacy Policy: http://www.2343ec78a04c6ea9d80806345d31fd78-gdprlock/privacy/explanation.php

Twitter Tweet button and social widgets (Twitter, Inc.)
The Tweet button and Twitter social widgets are services for interaction with the social network Twitter, provided by Twitter, Inc.
Place of processing: USA
Privacy Policy: http://7905d1c4e12c54933a44d19fcd5f9356-gdprlock/privacy

+1 button and Google+ social widgets (Google Inc.)
The +1 button and Google+ social widgets are services for interaction with the Google+ social network, provided by Google Inc.
Place of processing: USA
Privacy Policy: https://www.44c28697135b262bde92280084af3f1f-gdprlock/intl/it/policies/privacy/


Rights of the interested parties
In relation to the processing described in this Information Notice, as a data subject you may, under the conditions provided for in the GDPR, exercise the rights enshrined in Articles 15 to 21 of the GDPR and, in particular, the right to:

  • Obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed and, if so, obtain access to your personal data - including a copy thereof - and communication of, among others, the following information: purposes of processing, categories of personal data processed, recipients to whom the data have been or will be communicated, period of data retention, rights of the data subject (right of access - Article 15 GDPR);
  • Obtain, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and/or the integration of incomplete personal data (right of rectification - Article 16 GDPR);
  • Obtain, without undue delay, the erasure of personal data concerning you (right to erasure - Article 17 GDPR);
  • Obtain the restriction of processing (right to restriction of processing - Article 18 GDPR);
  • To receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, personal data concerning you, to transmit them to another controller without hindrance and, where technically feasible, to obtain that your personal data be transmitted directly from the Bank to another controller, where the processing is based on consent and is carried out by automated means (right to data portability - Article 20 GDPR);
  • Object to the processing of your personal data, unless there are legitimate reasons for the Controller to continue the processing (right to object - Article 21 GDPR);
  • Propose a complaint to the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data, Piazza di Montecitorio n. 121, 00186, Rome (RM). Further information is available at:

The above rights may be exercised, with regard to the Data Controller, by contacting the references indicated above. The exercise of your rights as data subject is free of charge pursuant to Article 12 GDPR. However, in the case of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests, also due to their repetitiveness, the Data Controller may deny the satisfaction of your request.


Transfer of data to a third country or international organization
The Data Controller will not transfer personal data to a third country or an international organization except for those third party services/components "embedded" in the site, referred to in the Cookies Policy section of this site, with the relevant policies.


Last update: september 2022.

This information notice may be subject to change. It is therefore advisable to regularly check this web page and to take into consideration the most updated version of the information contained therein.